Complete your smart home with a smart lock

Nowadays, more than half a million Dutch households use a smart doorbell. Consumers have spent half a billion euros on average to create their ideal smart home. The share of smart locks in this market is growing rapidly. In this blog, we discuss why you need a smart lock to complete your smart home system.

Convenience of smart home products

The most frequently cited reason for purchasing smart home products is convenience. The number of actions to perform something decreases enormously,  and we simply prefer being more lazy than tired. There is a large variety of smart home products on the market that are becoming household names. We all know the smart speakers from Google and Amazon, the Ring video doorbell, or the Hue lighting from Philips, but it goes further than that. For example, in the future you can have your groceries supplemented automatically by installing a smart refrigerator. The possibilities are endless.

Smart home security

In addition to the convenience of smart devices in the home, they can also contribute to the security of your home. You optimally protect your home against burglary and other dangers. Smart home security goes a step further than standard security, because the products are connected to the internet. Think motion sensors, smart cameras and smart locks. This also gives you remote control over your home and allows you to keep an eye on things.

Completely keyless

Cars have been on the forefront of keyless access. LOQED has developed a smart lock that allows you to open the front door just as easily as your car. All you have to do is touch the lock briefly; your mobile phone is the key which simply stays in your pocket. You never have to look for your house key again. The LOQED Touch Smart Lock has earned the SKG three-star certificate, which is the highest quality certification especially for (digital) locks. Additionally, you can use the App to remotely delete keys – useful if someone has lost their phone. Even without a smartphone, you can always enter with your personal access code.

Everything connected in your smart home

Have you always wanted the lights to switch on, the thermostat to be set to “comfort” mode and the curtains to open when you get home? Setting up a flow for all your smart home products can be useful to create your ultimate smart home experience. Smart products communicate wirelessly via WiFi, bluetooth, or communication protocols such as ZigBee and Z-Wave. You can combine these different systems using a tool like Homey.

For example, you can automatically set the LOQED Touch Smart Lock to night lock via a voice command. In the same command you can add that the thermostat, lights, speakers and TV are all turned off and your home is in “Away” mode. Ideal, because a good night’s sleep is worth its weight in gold.

Why do I need a smart lock?

Adding a smart lock to your front door gives you a lot of extra options. You never have to search for your key again, and losing your keys will be something of the past. By creating digital keys in the App, you give others access to your home when your are not there. It will make your home safer and you will gain more control over your front door.

The LOQED smart lock can be ordered here for €349,-.

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